
发布人:[暂无]    发布时间:2010-09-02



最近结合学校开展的生命教育系列活动,我上了一节公开课‘Dealing with trouble’, 是牛津英语八年级第一学期Chapter 3 Dealing with trouble的拓展课。

我精心设计了教案。每一版块的内容前后呼应,层层递进。这堂拓展课不仅对我是一次挑战,而且对学生更是一次大的挑战,挑战在于:每一版块的内容都是由学生自己完成并且运用不同的形式展示出来。我仅仅是指令的发出者,学生才是这堂课的主体。这堂课一共有五个部分组成:Warming-up; Pre-task preparation; While-task procedure; Post-task activities and Assignment。这五个部分都围绕着这一主题:Dealing with trouble on our daily lives。由于是拓展课,我把重心放在了情感教育的渗透上。通过试讲,我发现,完全把课堂教学目标放在情感目标上是不可取的,这样会让英语课变成一节双语的政治课。可能受到班主任角色的影响,在设计教案时考虑到的是本班学生的特点,更多的以我为中心去向学生灌输情感目标了。虽然作为班主任,我平时的这样教育是有效的,可是那是建立在我和他们朝夕相处两三年,他们对我极大的信任的基础上的。但是作为英语课,还是应该转变角色,不能让英语课变成班会课的延伸。

因此,在后面的改进中,我加大了英语知识目标和英语技能目标的比重。我把打电话报警作为学生学习的技能目标,对人和事物的准确描述作为知识目标。通过在Pre-task preparationWhile-task procedure中的学习和操练,为后面Post-task activities作好了语言上的铺垫,为体现了二期课改的理念我在Post-task activities环节中为学生提供了具有生活性、时代性和文化性的课程内容:怎样处理生活中遇到的各种各样的麻烦,比如火灾、恃强凌弱、车祸等等。公开课结束之后,我还是发现有几个问题:1、为了完成教学任务,没有完全顾及到学生的反应,有时学生未完全掌握语言技能就匆匆跳到下一个环节。同时由于学生语言知识掌握的不足,导致学生的中心地位为完全体现出来。2、情感目标的渗透应该是不着痕迹的,不是口号式的,应该是在课堂设计的每一个任务中潜移默化的进入学生的心灵。当然口号有时是很有效的,比如110119120的电话号码应该是每个学生能条件反射式的记在脑海中,这样在紧急情况下就能迅速反应过来。总之,以最有效的教学为目标,二期课改的理念为引导,我们的英语课教学还需不断探索和挑战。

Dealing with trouble

(The second period)

                                     By Leslie (胡长征)     田林三中

Teaching objectives:

Language focus:

1. To review the new vocabulary and phrases.

2. To use the words and expressions to describe a certain person or an event.

Ability focus:

1. To report to the police by phone.

2. To develop oral skills and imagination.

Emotional objectives:

1. When someone is in trouble, we should try to help them.

2. We don’t need to put ourselves in danger.






1. Riddles

2.A short competition

T –Ss Guess the words according to the phrases.

Ss guess the most words in a minute

To warm up

To review the words


1.         Story retelling 

2.         Key questions:

What would Paul’s father report to the police?

3. Guessing the ‘robber’

4. Reading a diary

T-Ss Use the given words and phrases to retell the story.

T- show the questions and make a modeled dialogue with students.

Ss work in pairs to make dialogues using the given pictures and guessing the ‘robber’ according to the descriptions.

Ss read the diary and answer the questions.

To grasp the use of the new words and expressions.

To develop Ss’ ability of description.

To let Ss know that we should help someone who is in trouble and we can help them in an indirect way.


1.       Dialogue

2.       Flash(Fire)

3.       Discussion

What should we do when we meet the trouble?

Ss report a traffic accident to the police.

Ss watch and discuss.

Ss give their suggestions.

To know how to deal with trouble in some clever ways.

To consolidate what they have learnt.


1.       Write a report on how to deal with troubles.

2.       Learn to sing the song ‘Trouble is a friend’.