Chapter 6 Water talk

发布人:[暂无]    发布时间:2012-02-06

Chapter 6   Water talk

Time:      May 10th

School:     Class(1) Grade 8, Mei Yuan Middle School

Teacher:    Su liya苏莉娅

Material:   Chapter6 Water Talk, Oxford English 8B


Teaching aims

1 Language learning objectives.

Using the simple present tense to describe the events in the right sequence .

2 Skill & ability objectives.

Developing the ability of listening and speaking.

3 Instructional objectives.

Achieving a better understanding of how important water is and why we must save water.


Focus and difficulties

1 Synthesizing the students’ scope of knowledge in the respect.

2 Using the simple present tense to describe the events in the right sequence.


Teaching procedures:

Pre-task preparation

1. A quiz.

2. Finding the boss.

3. Reordering the sentences.

a) Where does rain come from ?

b) How does water come into our homes ?

While-task procedure

1. Listening and completing the map of the water’s journey.

2. Retelling the journey of the water (Group work).

3. Filling the blanks.

Post-task activity

1. Having a discussion.

a) Why did the water say it was precious, like liquid gold ?

b) What should we do with water?

c) How can we save water?

2. Finishing the letter. (Group work)

3. Representing the writing.


1. Reading the text after recording.

2. Writing : Water rules






年级 八年级   学科 英语    课题 Chapter6 water  执教 苏莉娅





   6B教材中, 学生已经对水的形成、水是如何进入家中的以及水的用途进行学习。7B教材中,学生又学习了海水和雨水的相关知识,并对“如果没有水,会怎么样?”这一话题进行了讨论,认识了水的重要性和节水的必要性。本课(8B)是在6B7A的基础上的延伸。由于之前的学习,学生已经具备并积累了一定的知识、经验。对于事件次序的表述、一般现在时等知识点一直以来都是教学的重点,反复的出现,学生已基本掌握并运用,为本课进行知识的综合运用奠定了良好的基础。


1 Language learning objectives.(知识目标)

Describing the events in the right sequence .


2 Skill & ability objectives.(技能目标).

Developing the ability of listening and speaking.(提高听说能力)

3 Instructional objectives. (教育目标)

Achieving a better understanding of how important water is in our life and why we must save water.(明白水资源的重要性和保护的必要性)



1 Synthesizing the students’ scope of knowledge in the respect.(相关知识的综合运用)

2 Describing the events in the right sequence.(对事件的顺序进行正确表述)


Learner-centered Teaching(以学生为中心)

Task-based learning(任务型教学法)

Cooperative Learning(合作学习法)

Listening and speaking (听说法)



1.       通过形式各异的准备活动,如:小测试、诗歌朗读、既对旧知识进行复现和回忆,又为快速呈现新知识做了铺垫,自然过度易于学生接受。

2.       鉴于学生的学习基础,将阅读语篇转变为听力材料进行处理。

3.       借助合作学习及任务的发布,让更多的学生参与到教师的教学活动。

4.       回家作业的布置是课堂教学内容的巩固与延伸,




1.       学生英语口语的表达。

2.       教师在教学过程中由新及旧,由旧带新,在旧知识复习的过程中呈现新的知识,并进行整合,从听、说、读、写四方面提高学生的英语学习。






Pre-task preparation(前期任务)

1. A quiz.

2. Finding the boss.

3. Reordering the sentences.

a) Where does rain come from ?

b) How does water come into our homes ?


While-task procedure (实施任务)

1. Listening and completing the map of the water’s journey.

2. Retelling the journey of the water (Group work).


3. Filling the blanks.


Post-task activity(后期任务)

1. Having a discussion

a) Why did the water say it was precious, like liquid gold ?

b) What should we do with water?

c) How can we save water?


2. Finishing the letter.(Group work)

3. Representing the writing.



1. Reading the text after recording.

2. Writing :




























1) Where does rain come from ?

2) How does water come into our homes ?

3) What will happen if there is no water ?

4) Where does the dirty water go?

5) Why did the water say :”I’m precious, like liquid gold.” ?

6) What should we do with water?

7) How can we save water?



drain                   water goes down this when you turn the water on

tap                     you use it to turn water on or off

sink                    a fixed basin for washing hands and face

sewage plant             a building that contains dirty water from people’s


pump                   machines used to push water

reservoir                a place where we collect water before it comes to

our homes

stream                  a small river

water treatment works    a factory where workers make water clean

speed                   move quickly

thorough                complete



Listening------- put the following sentence in the correct order.

( 1 ) First, the water was floating in a cloud.

( 2 ) The water dropped into a stream and sped down the mountain into the

Yangtze River.

( 3 ) Yangtze River carried the water to a reservoir and then into the Huangpu

River .

( 4 ) People took the water to a water treatment works . There they gave it a

  thorough cleaning and added a few chemicals to it . Then the water went

  into People’s homes.

( 5 ) When people finished with it , the water went into a sewage plant, then it

was pumped into the river and back in the sea again.




About water

     Water comes into our homes from the place far away. First, it falls into the ________ and rivers from the _______as rain. Then it goes into the ________in our city. In the water________ works, water will be given a thorough cleaning by adding some chemicals. After that, it goes into our homes through the _________ under the streets. When we have finished with water, it goes to a ________plant and then into the river, back in the ______ again.

     As we all know, water is important to us all. If there is no water, we cannot live and the other living things such as animals, plants will all die. Nowadays, clean water and drinking water become less and less, so water is ________ and sometimes people call it ‘________ _______’. Let’s save water----- save ourselves!





Water ------ liquid gold

1.      Describe how uneasily we get water





2.      The importance of water





3.      The ways of how to save water in our daily life







8B Chapter 6 Water Talk一课的教学内容“水”是继六、七年级关于“雨水的形成”、“水是如何进入居民的家中”、“水是重要的”、“如果没有水,会出现怎样的局面?”、“我们如何节约水”等话题之后的延续。在本课中,水的行程得到了完整和充实并对目前水资源的浪费现象提出了质疑,引发了更进一步的探讨,即:人类社会的科学技术在发展,但却忽视了对水资源的保护,随意污染、肆意浪费、最终将会威胁到人类自身的生存。因此我将“明确水的重要性,增强节水意识”作为本课的教学目标之一。水的行程也是本课的教学重点之一,学生可以通过学习了解到“水来之不易”,引起共鸣,从而自然过渡到节水问题。因此在教学环节设置上,我先设置了QUIZFING THE BOSSREORDE THE SENTENCES等活动,有步骤地帮助学生快速对已学过的内容进行复习,为后续的学习进行铺垫。在听录音填图,小组复述之后进行的完形填空则是帮助学生将之前的内容进行整合,形成一个比较完整的系统的认识。随后提出的问题则将学生引到了教学的关键:在日常生活中,我们该如何节约用水?此时呈现情景:GARDEN CITY面临用水危机,市长号召全市人民积极出谋划策,共渡难关。此时学生积极动脑,共同参与。


苏莉娅 2005/05/16